After School Tuition

After School Tuition

Chameleon's After School Tuition Service is available to Primary aged children.

The children we support often experience specific barriers to learning, which is negatively impacting their confidence and progress, often leading to increased levels of anxiety.

This could be a specific learning difference such as, (but not limited to) ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or anything impacting the child's mental health that may induce increased anxiety levels, low confidence and low self esteem.

Tuition is tailored to each individual child's needs with the area of focus discussed and agreed with parents/caregivers. This could be subject specific, learning behaviours, social, emotional or the development of strategies and toolkits to enable the individual to achieve their potential.

Termly progress reviews are included in tuition packages. Communication with schools and sharing of successful strategies can be shared directly with the child's school on request.

We are able to offer in depth reports to support EHCP applications or to support the provision of One Plans.

Our experienced Tutors are able to support parents/caregivers through ongoing assessments, the reasons why a child may be struggling to achieve their potential, identifying the potential barriers. We are able to signpost to other services and professionals who are able to further investigate and assess any concerns.

Chameleon offers 1:1 and 2:1 tuition sessions, face to face and online.

For further information and to arrange an initial consultation please contact us on

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